The United States has a long history of drug use, so it’s only natural that immigration would want to be more careful about who is allowed entry into the country. To be more specific, the United States wants to make sure that those who are entering into this country are drug-free. The current law in the United States states that all immigrants must pass a drug test before entering the country. However, many people don’t know if they can fail this drug test and still be allowed into the country. This article will examine these laws and uncover what you need to know about this topic.
The U.S. Immigration Law
U.S. law states that anyone who applies for citizenship or visa has to be clean of any illegal drugs. The law states that if a person has used any illicit drugs within the past five years, they will not be able to enter into the country or receive their status as a citizen or resident alien.
- If an alien is in possession of more than one thousand dollars of marijuana at any time, he or she cannot be issued immigration documentation.
- If a person used an illegal drug once within the last year, it can be excused as a one-time incident.
- If an alien knowingly lied about the drug use in his or her application and is caught, they will not be allowed to stay in the country.
Immigrants that are trying to enter the country must also have physical exams performed by physicians that are licensed by their country of origin and not from this country. If an immigrant lies about their physical condition, the physicians that perform the exams cannot be held accountable for the lie.
Legal Cannabis In The U.S.
The legality of cannabis in the United States can range greatly. All 50 states have legalized hemp while others have legalized recreational or medical marijuana.

Although you might be living in a state where recreational marijuana is legal, it is not advisable that you consume such products if you have an immigration drug test on the horizon.
This is because as long as it doesn’t interfere with someone’s constitutional rights, state and federal law can differ (more or less). You might live in a state where marijuana is legal, however, the federal government still deems it to be a Schedule I substance. So although your state allows it, the federal government deems you as breaking the law.
And then there’s hemp-derived THC such as Delta-8 products.
So even though Delta-8 is legal on a federal level and in your state, should you consume it if you have an immigration drug test coming up?
No. If you have a drug test coming up, you should not consume Delta-8. Failing a drug test is not worth the consequences. However, once you’re in the clear as far as drug testing goes, you’re more than welcome to enjoy such premium hemp products as Hometown Hero’s infused Delta-8 gummies that are tested for quality and safety.
And that just about concludes this post about drug tests and iminigration to the United States.